Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Un Mapa de Guanajuato - A Map of Guanajuato

 ¿Dónde está Guanajuato, México? - Where is Guanajuato?  

   Guanajuato, Mexico is located in the state of Guanajuato.  Yes, Mexico has states just like the US/(abreviation in Spanish: E.E.U.U.) and its official name is Los Estados Unidos de México, but it is rarely referred to by this name in the US/EEUU. Guanajuato is a 4 1/2 - 5 hour drive North-Northwest of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. Guanajuato is located in the highland area of Mexico and is about 6,000 feet above sea-level which creates dryer conditions. In the surrounding mountains that surround Guanajuato much of the world's silver was mined for over 400 years.
     I'm looking forward to not being in humid Illinois conditions for 5 weeks, but it will likely be 90 degrees or warmer everyday.  I plan on posting the daily highs and lows and any weather events of interest so stay tuned.
     Nearly one month from now I'll be preparing for my morning flight toward Mexico from O'Hare Airport in Chicago.  I'll be posting my experiences through airport security as well as my experiences at O'Hare, Houston International, & the Guanajuato/León Airport.

Datos de Guanajuato - Facts about Guanajuato
Founded 1548 by the Spaniards but inhabited for centuries by native peoples.
Population:  154,000 - a little larger than Champaign-Urbana
Birthplace of the muralist Diego Rivera
UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1988
(There are over 900 of these man-made or natural wonders identified around the world.
Cahokia Mounds is one such site that you may have visited!)

1 comment:

  1. There's usually a way to follow blogs, but you don't have any way to as far as I can see... Jeez, Mrs. Red. Think these things through! :P I'm saving this to my desktop so I'll be watching at least, lol.

    ¡Mirando adelante [?] a leyendo sobre su viaje!
